There is no such a store, actually. is a site-aggregator where you see offers from other stores including Amazon, Walmart, ToyRUs and many others (depending on the region).
Why are prices so low?Legos happen to be on sale, that is why! A few times a day our bot collects the prices from the stores. Sometimes the store reduces the price to sell out the sets or to attract new customers. We display the pricing exactly the same as it currently is on the stores’ websites.
How can I find the set I want?The simplest way is to use Search function. Enter the set number, name or part of it. You can also search by theme. Click Lego in the upper menu.
How do I buy the Lego set I want?Just click on the price tag. You will be directed to the store website. Here you can place on order like you normally do.
What is your commission?We do not charge our users any extra commission for buying Lego.
I clicked the link to the store but it shows me a wrong set. Why?Rarely such a discrepancy appears. The reason is a mistake in the store website content. Usually it is because they have assigned the set a wrong number. Please, let us know of the discrepancy by sending a quick mail to
I cannot find the set I want on Why?Make sure you search it by the correct number, name or keyword. Another reason: the set is either very new or very old or not Lego at all :)
The price on the retailer website is different from yours. How come?The price may have been changed on the retailer site a few minutes ago , it will be updated on pretty soon.
I cannot find my country on the list of regions. Why?Currently available countries: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Russia, Belarus. Other countries are to come.
I want my store to be presented on How can I do so?Please, email us It’s free!